October Charity Partner: Get In Touch Foundation

Oct 03, 2024
For October, we have partnered with The Get In Touch Foundation as part of our #EveryCaseCounts initiative. A share of our proceeds will be going to the nonprofit. Learn more about the organization below.
What Is The Get In Touch Foundation?

The Get In Touch Foundation is a nonprofit organization that promotes informed decisions regarding breast health through free and accessible education. The originators of the Daisy Wheel, Get In Touch uses the wheel to educate generations on the eight steps needed to complete a breast self-exam.
The free Daisy Wheel app is also available for easy access to breast health information and reminders to conduct routine breast self-exams. Get In Touch provides additional resources for educators on their website, aiming to make breast self-exams simple and routine for everyone.
Founded by Mary Ann Wasil in 2004, The Get In Touch Foundation aims to equip girls with the necessary knowledge and skills to examine themselves and recognize anything unusual that could pose a health threat. Now run by Mary Ann’s daughter, Betsy Nilan, Get In Touch has distributed over a million Daisy Wheels, attended numerous conferences, and volunteered at several events reflecting Mary Ann’s mission.
How Can You Help?
Donations are a direct way to support Get In Touch’s efforts. You can make a one-time donation or set up a recurring monthly donation.
“GIT Your Pink On!” Day
“GIT Your Pink On!” Day is a fundraising event where participants dress in pink to promote breast health awareness. These events can be hosted at schools, offices, or communities anytime throughout the year or on the third Friday in October, the International “GIT Your Pink On!” Day.
Participants are encouraged to wear pink and donate a dollar to support the efforts of Get In Touch.
Host a Fundraiser
You can host your own fundraiser in support of Get In Touch. Register your fundraiser to Get In Touch and receive a free FUN-raiser toolkit.
Host a Daisy Bowl Powder Puff Game
Fancy a game of flag football? Hosting a Daisy Bowl Powder Puff Game is a fun and active way to raise awareness and money for Get In Touch. All you need to do is find a field and football, gather your community, and play. Upload your game photos on social media and use the hashtags #GetInTouch and #DaisyBowl for added support.
Looking to Give Back? Shop Casely!
At Casely, we want to make a difference. With our #EveryCaseCounts initiative, we can support communities around the world with a different charity partner each month. For every phone case we sell, we give a part of the proceeds to the chosen organization.
To be involved, buy one of our many cases or nominate a charity of your choice. By posting your case on Instagram with the hashtag #EveryCaseCounts, we’ll donate an additional dollar to The Get In Touch Foundation.