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How to Curate the Perfect Hot Girl Winter Routine

How to Curate the Perfect Hot Girl Winter Routine

There’s no better time of year to practice genuine self-care than winter. With the shorter days, longer nights, and not-so-hot cases of flu circulating, it’s crucial that you construct the perfect routine to keep you hot and stable through the darkest and most chaotic time of year. 

After all, there’ll be no hot-girl walks and promenades if you’re sick.


The morning is arguably the most critical time, and how you start your day can be a real sign of what’s to come. So, you must start the day with a good breakfast, light exercise, and additional self-care. 

1. Breakfast

Whether you cook a fried breakfast, make some seasonal porridge (cashews, pears, and brown sugar are always winners), or choose a more summery yogurt and berry combination, make sure you don’t skip the most important part of your day.

2. Light Exercise

The sun may not be shining, but if you’re a yoga girlie, starting the day with sun salutations is a great way to get your body moving and your brain adjusting to the new day. Turning up for yourself can be challenging, but remember, if you roll out the yoga mat, you’re halfway there. 

Walking to work is another excellent way to breathe fresh air and get the endorphins flowing. 

3. Extra Self-Care

Whether you need a cup of tea in the morning to get you through or treat yourself to a morning coffee on the go, it’s essential to start your day as you mean to go on. So get the extra luscious moisturizer, buy the extra coffee, and smile at yourself in the mirror before you leave the house. 


No matter how chaotic or busy your life is, always make room for taking a break. Your body (and mind) isn’t a machine; you must take care of it. That can mean exercising or taking a restful break. 

So bring your book to work or do today’s Wordle on your phone. Avoiding social media is advisable to keep you grounded and prevent you from developing more winter blues. 


A hot-girl routine is all about doing what’s right for you. So if you need to spend your evening in bed, watching Netflix, with a vegetable broth and a facemask on, then you do that! If you need to spend time with friends at a bar, processing the latest avoidant man to jump ship, then you do that! 

Your evenings are all about listening to your body. How much energy does it have? What will make you happy today?

Embrace Hot Girl 2025 — Shop Today!

A hot girl routine is all about creating space to do the things you love and incorporating enough self-care to get you through the season. So it’s crucial that you stay organized and protect the number one organizer of your life: your phone. 

Protection doesn’t have to be boring; with a Casely case, you can keep your organizer safe and chic with a fun design (or two, or three.) Discover more with our New Year's Sale ending 31st January!

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